Why Is My Sister So Annoying? (11 Reasons Why)

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Isabelle O'Gallagher

Isabelle O'Gallagher is a personal development and relationship expert who has consulted for some of the biggest companies in America.

It’s not just you—plenty of people find their siblings annoying. But why does your sister get under your skin more than anyone else?

There could be a few reasons for this. To find the answers, we compiled a list of the 11 most common reasons people find their sisters annoying.

Why Is My Sister So Annoying?

1. She’s Always Right

No matter what the argument is, your sister always has to be right. And she makes sure you know it, too, constantly rubbing it in your face that she was right all along.

It’s common for people to let others know when they’re right, but your sister takes it to a whole new level.

This can make conversations between the two of you highly frustrating, especially when you’re already annoyed with her.

So, what can you do to deal with a sister like this? You might forcefully argue your point or let her have the last word.

In any case, it’s important to remember that it’s not worth getting too worked up over—after all, she’s just your sister.

2. Always Asks For Favors

No matter how often you help her out, your sister always seems to come to you with another favor to ask. And she never seems to reciprocate, leaving you feeling used and taken advantage of.

Setting boundaries with your sister is essential if you find yourself in this situation. Tell her what favors you’re willing to do for her and make it clear that she should only come to you when she needs help.

It might also be helpful to keep track of the favors you do for her so that you can remind her of them next time she asks for something.

3. Doesn’t Return What She Borrows

It seems like every time you turn around, your sister borrows your clothes or borrows your money. But she doesn’t realize that she’s never returning what she borrowed.

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This can be a frustrating situation to be in, especially if you’re someone who likes to keep track of their belongings. If your sister borrows something from you, get it back as soon as possible.

You might also want to consider lending her things less often or only lending her something that you don’t mind if she doesn’t return.

By establishing rules, your sister might be more likely to return things she borrows.

4. Gossips About You

One of the most annoying things sisters can do is gossip about you behind your back. This can make you feel betrayed and isolated, especially if you’re already sensitive about something.

If your sister is gossiping about you, you can best confront her about it. Let her know how hurtful it is and ask her to stop.

You might also want to talk to her about why she feels the need to gossip about you in the first place. If something is going on that you’re not aware of, this could be an excellent opportunity to clear the air.

5. Always Comparing You

It seems like every time you turn around, your sister is comparing you to someone else. Whether it’s in terms of looks, intelligence, or achievements, she always has something negative to say about how you measure up.

This can be hurtful and make you feel like you’re never good enough. If your sister constantly compares you to others, try to discuss it with her.

6. Takes Things Without Asking

Takes Things Without Asking

Another annoying thing sisters can do is take your things without asking. This can be anything from borrowing your clothes without permission to using your makeup without asking.

Not only is this frustrating, but it can also make you feel like your sister doesn’t respect your belongings. If your sister takes your things without asking, be sure to confront her about it.

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Tell her how it makes you feel, and ask her to stop. You might also want to consider keeping your things in a place where she can’t get to them or only lending her something that you don’t mind if she doesn’t return.

7. Makes Fun Of You

One of the most hurtful things sisters can do is make fun of you behind your back. This can make you feel isolated and alone, especially if you’re already feeling sensitive about something.

If your sister is making fun of you, it’s time to talk about how it makes you feel. Ask her why she feels the need to make fun of you in the first place.

8. Ignores Your Feelings

Your sister might not mean to, but sometimes she can be insensitive or even cruel. This can be especially true if she doesn’t consider your feelings when making decisions or taking action.

For example, she might plan a girls’ night out without considering that you might not be in the mood for socializing. Or she might vent to you about her problems without stopping to ask how.

You might also want to talk to her about why she feels the need to ignore your feelings.

9. Jealous

It’s natural for sisters to feel jealous of each other from time to time. However, if your sister is constantly jealous of you, it can be really annoying.

This can be true if she’s always trying to one-up you or make you feel inferior. If your sister is always jealous of you, try to have a conversation about her jealousy.

Let her know how it makes you feel, and ask her why she feels the need to be jealous of you all the time.

10. Wants Your Attention

It’s only natural for sisters to want each other’s attention. However, it can be annoying if your sister constantly demands your attention.

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This can be especially true if she’s always interrupting you to focus conversations on her. If your sister is constantly demanding your attention, try talking to her.

Let her know how it makes you feel and request some space. You might also want to consider spending more time with her in a group setting so that she doesn’t feel like she has to compete for your attention.

You might also want to talk to her about why she feels the need to always be the center of attention.

11. Needs Validated

It’s normal for sisters to want validation from each other. However, if your sister is always needing to be validated, it can be really annoying.

This can especially be true if she’s always seeking approval or looking for reassurance. If your sister is always needing to be validated, try to have a conversation about it.

Tell her how it makes you feel, and ask her to back off. You might also want to consider giving her some space so that she doesn’t feel like she has to constantly seek your approval.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on why your dad is so annoying, why your brother is so annoying, and why you find your mother-in-law so annoying.


No sister is perfect, but sometimes it can be annoying when they don’t seem to understand how their actions affect you. If you’re struggling to deal with your annoying sister, try to discuss it with her.

Tell her how her actions are making you feel and see if there’s anything she can do to change her behavior. Sometimes all it takes is a little communication to improve your relationship with your sister.


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