Why Is My Brother So Annoying? (11 Reasons Why)

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Isabelle O'Gallagher

Isabelle O'Gallagher is a personal development and relationship expert who has consulted for some of the biggest companies in America.

Is your brother always getting on your nerves? Maybe he’s always borrowing your stuff without asking, or perhaps he’s always trying to one-up you.

Whatever the case may be, it can be annoying in itself trying to figure out why your brother is so annoying. To help you figure it out, here are 11 possible reasons.

Why Is My Brother So Annoying?

1. Naturally Competitive

Some brothers are just naturally competitive. It doesn’t matter what it is; they always have to be better than you at everything. This can get annoying quickly, especially if you’re not as competitive.

To combat this behavior, try to find something that you’re better at than your brother and use that to your advantage. Maybe you’re a better basketball player, or maybe you can outrun him.

Use your strengths to get ahead and make him realize that he can’t always be the best. Once your brother sees that you’re just as capable of beating him at things, he might back down a bit and stop being so annoying.

2. Wants Your Attention

If your brother is always trying to get on your nerves, it might be because he wants your attention.

Maybe he feels you don’t pay enough attention to him, or he’s just trying to get under your skin.

Either way, try to give him the attention he’s looking for and see if that helps. Be sure to spend some time with him, talk to him, and really listen to what he has to say.

Tell him that you care about him and are there for him. Once he feels like he has your attention, he might start acting better.

3. Jealousy

Jealousy can be a big reason why brothers act out. If you have something your brother doesn’t have, he might get jealous and start trying to ruin it for you.

Maybe he’s jealous of your grades, or perhaps he’s jealous of your friends. Talk to him about it and see if you can help him work through his jealousy.

Let him know that it’s okay to be jealous and that you understand how he feels. Then, try to help him find something that he’s good at and that makes him happy.

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Once he realizes that he has something special, too, the jealousy might start to fade away.

4. Feels Left Out

If your brother is always trying to ruin things for you, it could be because he feels left out. Maybe you have a close group of friends, or you’re always doing things without him.

Try to include him more in your life and see if that helps. Invite him to hang out with your friends, include him in your plans, and let him know that he’s a part of your life.

Once he feels like he’s not left out, he might start acting better.

5. Wants To Be Like You

In some cases, brothers try to act like their siblings because they want to be like them. Maybe they think you’re cool, or maybe they want to have the same things as you.

Try to talk to him about it and see if you can help him find his own identity. Help him find things that he’s good at and things that make him happy.

Encourage him to be his own person, and don’t compare him to you. Tell him that you love him for who he is and that you think he’s special.

Once he realizes that he doesn’t have to be like you to be loved, he might start acting better.

6. Feels Inferior

Feels Inferior

If your brother is always trying to one-up you, it could be because he feels inferior. Maybe he doesn’t feel like he’s as good as you, or maybe he doesn’t feel good enough.

Talk to him about it and see if you can help him work through his feelings. Tell him that you understand his feelings and that you’re there for him.

Then, try to help him find things that he’s good at and that makes him happy. Once he realizes that he has something special, too, the inferiority might start to fade away.

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7. Favorites

Your brother might feel like your parents favor you, or you get all the attention. This can quickly make a sibling act out in annoying ways.

Try to talk to your parents and see if they can help even things out a bit. Maybe they can spend more time with him or give him a little more attention.

Or, maybe you can try to include him more in your own life. Whatever the case may be, try to help even things out as much as possible.

Once your brother feels like he’s treated fairly, he might start acting better.

8. Trying To Fit In

If your brother hangs around with the wrong crowd, it could be because he’s trying to fit in. Maybe he doesn’t feel like he belongs at school or is just trying to find his place in the world.

Whatever the case may be, try to talk to him about it and see if you can help him find a better group of friends. Help him find people that he can relate to and that make him feel good about himself.

Encourage him to be his own person, and don’t let him get pulled into the wrong crowd. Let him know that you’re there for him and love him no matter what.

Once he feels like he belongs, he might start acting better.

9. Avoiding You

Sometimes, brothers start acting out because they’re trying to avoid you. Maybe they don’t want to be around you or just trying to get your attention.

Try to talk to him about it and see if you can help him work through his feelings. Let him know that you’re there for him and love him no matter what.

Then, try to include him more in your life. Invite him to hang out with your friends, have him in your plans, and let him know that he’s a part of your life.

Once he feels like he’s not being avoided, he might start acting better.

10. Bored

In some cases, brothers start acting out because they’re bored. Maybe they don’t have anything to do, or they’re just looking for something.

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Whatever the case, try to talk to them about it and see if you can help them find something to do. Maybe you can include them in your plans, or perhaps you can find a hobby that you both enjoy.

Whatever you do, try to help them find something to keep them busy. Once they have something to focus on, they might start acting better.

11. Envious

Could your brother be envious of something you have? Envy is the sixth of the seven deadly sins, and it’s there for a reason. Envy can cause people to do strange things; your brother is no exception.

Maybe you have a sweet video game he wishes was his. You might have a killer outfit he would like to wear, or he wishes your new Jordans were his.

You won’t know until you ask, so try to talk to him about it. Maybe you can let him play your game or borrow your clothes. If he’s jealous of something you can’t share, try to help him get his own version.

If he’s envious of something he can’t have, try to help him find something he’s good at. Once he realizes that he has something special, too, the envy might start to fade away.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on why your sister is so mean, why your dad is so strict, and why your dad gets mad over little things.


There you have it! These are just some reasons why your brother might be so annoying. If you’re struggling to deal with him, try to talk to him about it and see if you can help him work through his issues.

And, if all else fails, just remember that he’s your brother, and you love him no matter what.


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