Why Do Good Things Happen To Bad People? (11 Reasons Why)

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Isabelle O'Gallagher

Isabelle O'Gallagher is a personal development and relationship expert who has consulted for some of the biggest companies in America.

You try to lead a good life. You help others in need, recycle, try not to judge people, and then the bottom falls out. The good things in life seem to happen to others, not you. Why do good things happen to bad people?

It doesn’t seem fair, does it? Well, we’re going to find out once and for all why this happens. Here are 11 possible explanations for why good things happen to bad people.

Why Do Good Things Happen To Bad People?

1. They Deserve It

This is a hard pill to swallow for some people, but maybe the bad people in your life deserve the good things that have happened to them.

It’s not always easy to see, but sometimes the people who have done bad things have made up for it in other ways.

Maybe they were nice to you when you were going through a tough time, or they volunteer for a charity you care about. Whatever the case, sometimes bad people do good things and deserve to be rewarded for it.

Often, we only see the bad things and not the good. If we can try to focus on the positive, we may realize that the bad people in our lives are not as bad as we think.

2. Lucky

Luck is a funny thing. Sometimes it’s good, and sometimes it’s bad. But if you look at the people in your life who seem to have all the luck, you may realize that they’re not as lucky as you think they are.

For example, the person who always wins the lottery may be lucky, but they’re also probably spending a lot on tickets.

The person who gets all the great jobs may be lucky, but they’re also probably working really hard to get those jobs.

So, while luck may play a role in why good things happen to bad people, it’s not the only factor.

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People who seem lucky often work hard and take advantage of opportunities presented to them.

3. Smarter

This one is a tough pill to swallow, but the bad people in your life may be more intelligent than you are.

Maybe they’re better at networking or have more connections than you do. Perhaps they’re just better at taking advantage of opportunities when they arise.

If you wonder why good things keep happening to bad people, they may be more intelligent than you.

4. Work Harder

In addition to being smarter than you, the bad people in your life may also work harder than you do. They may have a better work ethic or be more dedicated to their goals.

There’s no denying that hard work pays off, and often, bad people are rewarded for their efforts.

You could take some cues from the bad people in your life and start working harder. You may be surprised at how quickly good things start happening to you.

5. Better At Taking Risks

Risk-taking can often lead to success. And while some risks don’t pay off, often, the rewards are worth the risk.

Bad people are often willing to take risks that you’re not. They’re not afraid to put themselves out there, and they’re not scared to fail.

While some risks don’t pay off, often, the rewards are worth the risk. And bad people are often rewarded for their willingness to take risks.

Do you take risks or avoid them? Maybe it’s time to start taking risks and see where it gets you. Your comfort zone could be holding you back from achieving your goals.

6. Positive Attitude

Positive Attitude

Another reason good things happen to bad people is that they have a positive attitude.

They believe they can achieve their goals and always look for the silver lining. Even when things are tough, they remain positive and hopeful.

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A positive attitude is contagious and one of the most critical factors in achieving success. If you find yourself surrounded by negative people, it’s no wonder why good things keep happening to bad people.

Often, it comes down to our attitude. If we remain positive, even when things are tough, good things will eventually happen to us.

7. They’re Connected

It’s not what you know; it’s who you know. And bad people often have the right connections. They may know someone who can help them get a job or have a friend who can hook them up with a free place to stay.

As a result, bad people often have an advantage in networking and making connections.

Why is that? One possibility is that evil people are more likely to take advantage of others and may be more willing to ask for favors or be more likely to offer favors in return.

As such, bad people often have an extensive network of connections on which they can rely. A good network can come in handy when you need something.

8. Willingness To Help

It’s more than possible that the bad person you’re thinking about has a willingness to help others that you don’t see.

Maybe they volunteer for a local charity or help a friend in need. Bad people still do good things without anyone knowing about them.

This could be the reason why good things keep happening to bad people. Because they’re willing to help others, they’re often rewarded in return.

9. Playing The Game

In life, there are a lot of games played. Bad people are often good at playing the game; they know how to work the system and how to get what they want.

While this behavior may not be admirable, it often leads to success. Remember that if you’re not careful, you may get played yourself. It would be best if you instead were patient—good things will come to you eventually.

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10. Right Place, Right Time

Another reason good things happen to bad people is that they’re often in the right place at the right time.

They may be in the right place for a job or meet someone who can help them out when they’re in a challenging situation.

Sometimes, timing is everything, and bad people often have good timing and are often rewarded as a result.

Don’t let this get you down, though. While bad people may have advantages, many good things can happen to good people.

Just because bad things happen to bad people doesn’t mean good things can’t happen to you.

11. Life Change

It’s also possible that the bad person in your life committed to turning their life around, and now they’re a good person.

Maybe they’ve gone through rehab or made amends for their past mistakes. Life change is possible, and the bad person in your life may have changed for the better.

In such instances, you should be happy and supportive, as good things happen to a good person.

No one is perfect. Sometimes, good things happen to bad people, too. Just because someone has made some mistakes in their life doesn’t mean they don’t deserve good things.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on why people are so fake, why people are so sensitive these days, and why people steal.


While it’s easy to wonder why good things keep happening to bad people, it’s important to remember that life is not always fair.

Bad people often have an advantage over good people and often make choices that lead to success.


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