Why Do Dogs Like Me? (11 Reasons Why)

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Ava Medina

Ava Medina has 20 years of experience as a veterinarian assistant and is utterly obsessed with rabbits and cats. Ava also volunteers at animal shelters in her spare time.

Dogs are known for being loyal, loving, and friendly companions. But have you ever wondered why dogs seem to take such a liking to you? It could be that you have a natural way with animals or a different reason entirely.

To get to the bottom of why dogs seem to like some people instead of others, we’re examining 11 unique explanations.

Why Do Dogs Like Me?

1. Good Communicator

Dogs are highly attuned to our body language and vocal cues. If you’re someone who can effectively communicate with dogs, they may take a liking to you because they feel like they can understand you.

Take César Milan, for example. As the world’s most famous dog trainer, he has a way of communicating with dogs that allows him to build trust and rapport quickly. This is likely one of the reasons why dogs seem to respond so well to him.

You don’t necessarily need to copy his voice and inflections. But if you can find a way to effectively communicate with dogs, they may also take a liking to you.

2. Shared Resemblance

In some cases, dogs may take a liking to people because they resemble their previous owner or another important figure in their life.

This is especially common in rescue dogs, which may bond with their new owner because they see them as a replacement for the lost person.

It’s important to note that you don’t necessarily need to look exactly like a dog’s previous owner to gain affection. A dog might notice certain mannerisms about you that remind them of their last owner.

As such, it can be challenging to pinpoint the exact cause of appeal. But if you have a strong resemblance to someone a dog once knew and loved, it may be one of the reasons they’ve taken a liking to you.

3. Relaxed Demeanor

Dogs can sense when we’re feeling stressed, anxious, or afraid. And they often respond by trying to comfort us or offer reassurance.

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This is likely one of the reasons why dogs tend to take a liking to people with a relaxed demeanor. Dogs can sense that these people are not a threat and are likely to offer them the same comfort and reassurance in return.

If you’re someone who can remain calm and relaxed in the presence of dogs, they may take a liking to you because they see you as a soothing presence.

You may have heard that dogs can smell fear; this is the same principle. As with humans, dogs would rather be around people who are kind, uplifting, and overall pleasant.

Moreover, dogs are attracted to people who are calm and assertive. Suppose you’re the type of person who is able to remain calm under pressure and handle yourself confidently. In that case, dogs may be drawn to your energy.

4. Pleasant Aroma

Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and can often identify people by scent alone. If you have a natural aroma that dogs enjoy, they may be drawn to you because of how you smell.

Dogs also have a strong sense of smell for food. Suppose you regularly cook or eat foods that dogs like. In that case, they may find you appealing because they associate you with something delicious.

It’s worth noting that this works in reverse, too. If you carry a scent that dogs don’t like, they may not take a liking to you. This is often the case with people who smoke cigarettes or use strong-smelling products like hairspray.

Dogs typically don’t like chemical scents, such as colognes and soaps. It’s one of the reasons why many dogs dislike getting baths.

5. Kind Voice

Dogs are also attracted to people with kind and gentle voices. Dogs may gravitate toward you if you have a soothing way of speaking because they find your voice calming.

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But if you have a loud and abrasive way of speaking, dogs may be put off by your voice. Dogs are sensitive to sound, so they may not like people who are excessively loud or have high-pitched voices.

6. Patience


Patience is another quality that dogs look for in their humans. If you’re someone who can be patient with them, they may take a liking to you because they feel like they can trust you.

Someone patient with a dog is likely to be more understanding and accommodating of their needs. This can make for a much better relationship between the two of you.

7. Offer Treats

Treats are always a surefire way to win over a dog’s affections. If you offer them treats regularly, they’ll likely start to see you as a friend.

Sometimes, this might be the only way to help win your dog’s affection. For example, maybe you recently adopted a dog mistreated by a previous owner.

You need to win your dog’s trust, but you’re not making much progress. Treats can act as an olive branch and help you start to build a bond with your dog.

8. Proper Training

Dogs also respond well to people who can train them effectively. If you can consistently give them positive reinforcement, they’ll start to see you as a leader and may take a liking to you.

There’s respect in loving assertiveness. So if you can find the right balance of being firm and loving with your dog, it will likely respond well to you.

9. Playmate

Dogs enjoy playing and roughhousing just as much as humans do. If you like to play with dogs, they may take a liking to you because they see you as a fun-loving person.

10. Sleeping Arrangements

Dogs love having a comfortable place to sleep, and if you let them sleep on your bed, they’ll likely start to see you as a generous person.

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Moreover, many dogs feel safe and secure when cuddled against their master. If you let them sleep on your bed, they’ll likely feel close to you and may take a liking.

11. Undivided Attention

Finally, dogs are attracted to people who give them undivided attention. If you’re the type of person who is always focused on making sure they’re happy, they’ll likely take a liking to you because they feel like you care about them.

Conversely, a few things can turn dogs off and make them less likely to take a liking to someone.

These include being impatient, hostile, and aggressive. So, if you’re wondering why dogs like some people and not others, it could be because of any of these reasons.

One of the best things you can do when trying to win a dog’s loyalty and love is to show the same to them. You will be amazed at how well dogs respond to kindness, patience, and love.

So if you’re looking to make a furry friend for life, remember to treat them with the same respect and compassion as any other friend.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on why you love your dog so much, why Chihuahuas are so aggressive, and why dogs hate squirrels.


There are several reasons why dogs may take a liking to some people and not others. In most cases, it boils down to the fact that they’re attracted to qualities like confidence, calmness, and patience.

So, if you’re looking to win a dog’s affections, remember to be your best self around them.


  • Ava Medina

    Ava Medina has 20 years of experience as a veterinarian assistant and is utterly obsessed with rabbits and cats. Ava also volunteers at animal shelters in her spare time.

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