Why Is Nintendo Switch So Expensive? (11 Reasons Why)

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Freya Crawford

Freya Crawford is a self-confessed geek. She loves gaming, watching classic movies, and her guilty pleasure is trashy reality TV. She also enjoys collecting old NES and Gameboy games.

Have you been looking to purchase a Nintendo Switch but are wondering, why is Nintendo Switch so expensive?

Well, I’ve been looking into why the Nintendo Switch is so expensive and have found a lot of reasons for the high price, so keep reading to learn what I’ve discovered!

Why Is Nintendo Switch So Expensive?

Nintendo Switch is so expensive because there is more demand for the Switch than there is supply, which increases the price. Additionally, second and third-party sellers such as Craigslist and eBay have inflated the costs of the Switch. On top of that, you have supply chain problems that have caused the price to climb.

Do you want to know other reasons why the Nintendo Switch is so expensive? If so, continue reading below to find out additional factors and details!

1. Too Little Supply For The Demand

There is a huge demand for the Nintendo Switch and there aren’t enough to go around for the demand, which is why the Nintendo Switch is expensive.

Furthermore, anytime a product has a high demand it’s going to drive up the prices since the supply will be scarce until the production can catch up to meet that high demand.

2. Secondary And Third-Party Sellers

When the demand is high and you can’t get the Nintendo Switch in a retail store, you move to online sources such as Amazon, Craigslist, eBay, and Facebook Marketplace.

However, these secondary and third-party sellers often have a much higher markup on the Nintendo Switch than the retail stores, which makes them more expensive to the consumer.

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3. Nintendo Is An Iconic & Popular Brand

The Nintendo Switch is so expensive because Nintendo has a huge history in the gaming community and is a beloved and iconic brand.

Therefore, people are willing to pay more money for a Nintendo product because of the history of the company and how much people love the brand.

4. Supply Chain Problems

Supply chain problems can account for some of the reasons why the Nintendo Switch is so expensive because it’s hard to get the parts to make the Switch and they are in short supply.

Furthermore, issues with shipping and manufacturing have made for longer wait times for the Nintendo Switch to be produced, which drives up the cost of the Switch.

5. You Can Play Mobile Or With A Console

5. You Can Play Mobile Or With A Console

The Nintendo Switch offers you the ability to either play mobile or through a console, so part of the expense of the Switch is the versatility it offers gamers in how they choose to play.

Additionally, people are willing to pay to have the option to either play with a console or on the go as a mobile gaming platform, and Nintendo knows that people will pay any price for that choice.

6. Nintendo Is Motivated On Making Profit From The Switch

Unlike some other companies, Nintendo has been steadfast in its goal to make a profit from the Nintendo Switch which means the price of the Switch cannot move too much.

Furthermore, because Nintendo wants to continuously make a profit off of the Switch, it priced it a little more expensive to ensure it will always be a profitable product for the company.

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7. More Gaming Titles Exist Than With Newer Consoles

One reason why the Nintendo Switch is expensive is that it’s been out for long enough that more gaming titles can be played on it than with newer consoles.

Therefore, people are willing to pay for the Nintendo Switch to access this bigger library of games available, and often purchase it to play specific game titles.

8. Hardware & Software In The Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch offers decent hardware and software and you’re paying the price for the new hardware and software that comes with the Nintendo Switch.

In addition, the newest models of the Nintendo Switch have hardware and software upgrades that the first generation did not, so the price is consistent due to the evolving hardware.

9. Gaming Is A Popular Hobby People Will Pay To Enjoy

The gaming industry is incredibly popular and gaming is one hobby where people are willing to pay the price to enjoy the device and games for that device.

Subsequently, since gaming is popular all over the world with various age groups, Nintendo knows that it will always have consumers buying the Switch regardless of the high price.

10. The Specs Of The Nintendo Switch

Nintendo has managed to get almost thesame level of specs in the Nintendo Switch as a bigger console, so you’re paying for the insane specs made into a handheld device.

On top of that, because the specs are incredible for a small device, you are paying for the development and testing that went into making this product perform nearly as well as a console.

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11. The Nintendo Switch Is Evolving & Will Stay Around For A Long Time

As Nintendo continues to produce new generations of the Switch and more game titles are released, it shows that the Switch is evolving and will be around for a long time.

Furthermore, since Nintendo has plans to keep the Switch around for a long time, it leads to the price going higher since it’s going to continue to gain in popularity as more people buy it.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on why Switch games are so expensive, why Joy-cons are so expensive, and why SNES games are so expensive.


The Nintendo Switch is expensive because Nintendo is an iconic brand in gaming and people will pay any cost to own Nintendo products.

Additionally, the Switch is still just as popular now as it was when it was released, so the popularity has people seeking it out, leading to more demand than supply.

However, issues with the supply chain over the last couple of years and the lack of parts to make the Switch have delayed manufacturing and led to price hikes.


  • Freya Crawford

    Freya Crawford is a self-confessed geek. She loves gaming, watching classic movies, and her guilty pleasure is trashy reality TV. She also enjoys collecting old NES and Gameboy games.

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