Why Is Arsenal So Hated? (11 Reasons Why)

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Lucas Reynolds

Lucas Reynolds loves playing tennis, golf, and football the most. But really, he'll play any sport as long as it's competitive.

Arsenal F.C. is one of the most well-known teams in London, England. They play in the Premier League at the Emirates Stadium. Unfortunately, many people hate them.

Why is Arsenal so hated? They’re just another football club – why do they have so many people that loathe them? What would make someone hate a team so passionately?

Why Is Arsenal So Hated?

1. Terrible Fans

It’s well-known that Arsenal has some of the worst fans in the football premiership. They are aggressive and will never be satisfied by anything the team does for them.

When the team does something fans perceive as wrong, they are quick to jump to conclusions. Regular joes try to tell professional coaches what they need to do.

Arsenal fans tend to be overactive on social media. They post every second, pushing their ideas out for the world to see. It doesn’t help progress, and it’s irritating to other people.

2. Nicholas Bendtner

Nicholas Bendtner is one of the biggest problems with Arsenal F.C. He is one of the most arrogant football players out there, which drives many fans and players crazy.

There is a good aspect to arrogance in a player. They need to be confident. If you are a professional athlete and you let doubt creep in, nothing but disaster can follow.

Bendtner takes it a step too far. He is known for going on air with claims of being the best striker in the world. You can be good – but the best? That’s a lot for a person to claim.

3. Constant Passing

Passing helps other players contribute. It’s a way to move the ball around and distract the opposing team before the best player puts the ball into the net.  Arsenal does it too much.

It’s pretty to watch a team with good footwork. The ball glides past opponents, pushing from one player to another. However, in time, it can be irritating to watch.

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When Arsenal does shoot the ball, they score often. Unfortunately, their shots are few and far between. Fans and enemies of the team alike find the actions frustrating to view.

4. Arsenal Fan TV

Arsenal Fan TV doesn’t help with the already overboard nature of the fans. It doesn’t try to contribute to the chaos, but somehow, it does. Arsenal Fan TV is a reason people hate them.

This group goes around matches and asks fans what they are thinking about the match. While they have done good in giving a voice to supporters, they also televise complaints.

Arsenal Fan TV, like most media, gave a reason for people to get mad. They set the pace for rage and projected hate as if it were the consensus of most fans. Now, it is.

5. Piers Morgan

Many people dislike Piers Morgan. On TV shows, he tends to be rude. He seems disconnected from the rest of the world and wants attention at any cost.

Piers Morgan is a big fan of Arsenal. You can see him at any game with his crazy reactions. If something goes wrong, you can see it written all over Morgan’s face.

The man is like a caricature, much like Arsenal and the fans. Piers Morgan influences the hatred – if he’s associated with the group, people don’t want to be part of it.

6. The Red Wine Incident

The Red Wine Incident

The red wine incident is infamous in Arsenal history, In November 2014, the team was defeated by Manchester United. A fan got so mad, he decided to throw his wine.

The wine, of course, went right at the visiting bench of Manchester United. That moment has lived on in infamy for eight years and will continue to survive in the future.

The red wine incident is indicative of Arsenal fans and another reason why people don’t like the team. They don’t want to deal with the anger associated with the people who watch.

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7. They Have Lots Of Attention

Arsenal is one of the biggest teams, and they have a massive following. The more people you have watching, the less likely you are to get positive reactions from an audience.

Even the most adored people with a massive following still have haters. Take a look at Zendaya or Tom Holland – some people despise them, too.

It would be astounding for a competitive team to be popular and not have anyone who hates them. Arsenal is at the top and serves as a punching bag for others.

8. Teams Don’t Like Teams

Teams generally don’t like other teams. If you have to face a competitor over and over again, it’s tricky to like them. Other teams don’t like Arsenal because they are competitors.

The same goes for fans. You can’t adore Manchester United and be an avid fan of Arsenal. Sports are passionate. You either love a team, or you loathe them like a mortal enemy.

Arsenal is the enemy of many teams in the premiership. They also tend towards aggression, which gives opposing fans more reasons to loathe them on the field.

Some people like more than one team. However, these guys are few and far between in the millions of fans.

9. People Hate To Hate

There will always be people that hate to hate, especially if something is popular. If everyone around them loves Arsenal, they will find a way to prove it’s the worst team in the world.

You can usually tell who these people are by asking them why they hate the team. Is there a reason, or are they just saying that to be funny?

It’s frustrating to encounter people who hate to hate. There are some legitimate reasons why people loathe Arsenal.

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10. Pretty Failure

There is no denying that Arsenal is an excellent team. When they shoot to win, they almost always succeed. However, it’s rare to see them do that.

Arsenal is famous for its pretty footwork and passing on the field. You will see them pass more often than they shoot the ball. That’s irritating for fans.

It’s incredible to see Arsenal’s skill at work. They know what they’re doing and want to show it to the world. Unfortunately, many fans hate that they seem to try not to win.

11. Crazy Reactions

Arsenal has some pretty outlandish reactions on the field. Some might enjoy the pumps of celebration or the frustrated swings. Others find them irritating to view.

The same goes for the fans. When things go wrong, they get noisy and rowdy in all the worst ways. It’s tricky to sit quietly and spectate at an Arsenal game if you’re another fan.

Football games are loud. People cheer, scream, and yell. However, there’s a limit. Arsenal fans and players take the reactions to the next level – not always in the best way.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on why soccer is so boring, why golf is so boring, and why cricket is so boring.


Arsenal is one of the most hated teams in England for many reasons. They have awful fans, plenty of attention from the world, and are unreliable as a professional group.

If there is a famous football group, there are going to be people who hate them. Arsenal has more against them than the average sports team. More people loathe them than enjoy them.


  • Lucas Reynolds

    Lucas Reynolds loves playing tennis, golf, and football the most. But really, he'll play any sport as long as it's competitive.

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