Why Are PS Vitas So Expensive? (7 Reasons Why)

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Freya Crawford

Freya Crawford is a self-confessed geek. She loves gaming, watching classic movies, and her guilty pleasure is trashy reality TV. She also enjoys collecting old NES and Gameboy games.

PS Vitas’s handheld video game consoles were popular for gamers, but they’re increasingly difficult to find nowadays.

Fans who find one for sale will be shocked when they see the high prices they have to pay. If you’ve been wondering why PS Vitas are so expensive, carry on reading. You’ll find all the answers below!

Why Are PS Vitas So Expensive?

1. Sony Stopped Making PS Vitas

PS Vitas were not the most successful handheld video gaming consoles, but they still have a devoted following even though Sony shut down the production of the PS Vita in 2019.

Despite that, a large number of fans are still looking to buy one.

So, when an item goes out of production, prices will continue to rise because of a limited and dwindling supply.

For example, you can still PS Vitas online at Amazon, new or refurbished, but they cost over $350 and can go as high as $650.

Additionally, the original prices were quite high, at around $250, so there was a higher baseline to start from.

2. PS Vitas Are Still In High Demand

Even though Sony doesn’t make them anymore, PS Vitas are still very popular due to features like remote play and modding or hacking devices to add functionality.

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Plus, even though some of the devices were made as long ago as ten years ago, PS Vitas has become a symbol of cool, which is always important to gamers.

3. Third-Party Sellers Set The Prices

PS Vitas are no longer sold by Sony. Currently, you can only buy them from third-party sellers on Amazon and eBay.

That said, the sellers can set the prices as high as they like since the demand for the handheld devices is still high. Naturally, they will charge the highest prices people are willing to pay.

Also, this is why there are no longer any standardized prices for PS Vitas. Sellers just charge whatever price they like, as there are no longer any manufacturer guidelines on pricing,

May Be Shipped From Anywhere In The World4. May Be Shipped From Anywhere In The World


When you buy a PS Vita online, it could be shipped from anywhere in the world where the seller is located, which could be as far away as Japan or Australia.

Further, PS Vitas must be handled with care during shipping, increasing shipping costs. When you add insurance, you pay a hefty amount for the shipping alone.

5. Devices That Weren’t Hacked Cost More

Many PlayStation Vita devices were hacked back in 2015 and 2016 by owners seeking to add functionality.

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However, these unofficial customizations don’t suit everybody, and the consoles in their original condition are in high demand.

Further, collectors are looking for devices that haven’t been hacked, which have become even more valuable.

6. The PS Vita Library Of Games Is Still Available

Even though PS Vitas are no longer in production, Sony’s vast library of games is still available for download.

For example, gamers still have a large number of choices of games to play on PS Vitas, including favorites like Assassin’s Creed and Resident Evil.

As you can imagine, this drives up the prices of the devices.

7. PS Vitas Have Become A Collector’s Item

PS Vitas have a place in the history of gaming and have become a collector’s item now. Therefore, they’re valued not just as antiques but as antiques with full functionality.

Of course, this raises their value in the market to two or three times the original prices.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on why 3DS are so expensive, why GPUs are so expensive, and why Secretlab chairs are so expensive.


PS Vitas are still very much in demand, even though Sony doesn’t make them anymore. The high demand combined with a limited supply has increased the prices of PS Vitas.

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Further, the prices are now set by third-party sellers rather than by Sony, so they will go as high as buyers are willing to pay.

PS Vitas have become a collector’s item now, and many gamers are eager to own one.


  • Freya Crawford

    Freya Crawford is a self-confessed geek. She loves gaming, watching classic movies, and her guilty pleasure is trashy reality TV. She also enjoys collecting old NES and Gameboy games.

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