Why Is Science So Boring? (11 Reasons Why)

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Jean Richardson

Jean Richardson is a lover of knowledge, in all forms. He has spent over 15 years as a high school teacher, instructing students in history, geography, mathematics, and more.

Science is up there with the top subjects most people hated learning in school. Whether you’re preparing for a test or you’ve long since graduated, you very well might think science is boring.

Read on to learn more about why you might be thinking this way. Even though science may be boring, it’s certainly an important subject to keep up with.

Why Is Science So Boring?

1. Big Words

Science words are almost always huge, long, and hard to spell. It may take you eighteen tries just to read one fancy science word. On many occasions, people try once or twice and give up. 

That is unfortunate, because in science, those big words are really important, usually. So you have to know them. You need to know what they mean if you want to understand. 

This can result in long, brutal hours of studying. Hours you might rather spend curled up with a fun book about dragons; books that do not contain as many insurmountable words. 

2. Long Classes

If you’re in school and you find science boring, it could definitely be because your classes are long. Most high schools have classes of about an hour in length. 

However, if you’re in college or graduate school, these classes can be even longer, stretching anywhere from one to three hours in length. And this, in particular, can be mind-numbing. 

Several things during a class could cause you to lose focus. You might find learning about the history of the microscope to be so boring that you focus instead on a bird outside the window. 

Time flies when you’re having fun. Perhaps not so much when you’re listening to a teacher list off facts you don’t want to know for long periods. 

3. Lots Of Math

Math and science go hand in hand. If you are a person who finds math boring, odds are you won’t think science is very fun. Math is essential for:

  • Measuring in science experiments 
  • Calculating correctly
  • Proving theories
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If you’re more into entry level science, you likely don’t run into much hard math, but there will likely still be numbers. Instead of thinking it’s hard, you might rather think it’s “boring.”

4. Lectures To Labs Ratio

When you’re learning science in school, there might be times when a class you’re taking is all lectures. There are few labs, and really, labs are what make science appealing to most. 

If you never really get the chance to practice your knowledge, chances are high that you will think science is incredibly boring. 

The same can be said for people that aren’t in school, though. If you don’t have a teacher to plan out activities for you, you’re probably getting all of your science media intake from books.

Books, articles, and journals are an invaluable resource to people trying to study science. However, you don’t get to put that knowledge to practice once you leave school. 

Since you can’t do labs and activities like you used to, your once-present interest in science could very quickly fade into, “I hate this. I’m bored. Send help.”

5. You Don’t Understand

You very well might find science boring as can be because you don’t understand it. Once you think something is hard, that you can’t master it, it is common to simply give up. 

Giving up may stress you out. Whether you’re studying for an exam or just trying to make sense of the world today, you will find that at least basic knowledge is helpful.

If you’re experiencing this, you could try:

  • Finding YouTube videos
  • Asking your teacher or a friend for help
  • Planning some activities

The problem may not be that you’re bored. Instead, your brain may have just tucked science into the “boring” category so that you won’t feel upset if you fail. 

6. Memorization


Science requires you to commit a lot of things to memory. Formulas, facts, names, and dates are all crucial parts of science. Parts that will mean you’re studying for a while.

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Science is one of those subjects that is so important to learn, but when you get past the entry-level topics, you might not think you’ll need it. In many cases, you’re right.

This makes science feel superfluous. Why are there so many things we need to know? Why are the words so long? If you don’t feel like something is important to your life, you won’t learn it. 

A need for memorization can add to the stress factor, which can only worsen the problem. You probably have other things you want to worry about. All of these facts take up brain space. 

Stressing about science means you associate it with negativity and are not excited to learn. These feelings almost always translate as boredom to some degree.

7. No Fun Books To Read

English? Fun books. History? Those can be fun, too! But science? You’re staring down the barrel of an inches-thick textbook filled with nothing but dread. 

Science books tend to lean very heavy on text and graphs to display all of their data. A lot of people will skim over the data completely; making sense of a graph full of boring data isn’t fun.

There are some pictures, though they are few and far between. As a whole, science books do not cater much to the visual learner. 

If you can, searching for specialty books with lots of pictures or supplementing with YouTube videos can help!

8. Lots Of Tests

All of that knowledge has to go somewhere. If you’re in school, that means taking tests, and lots of them. Tests could mean several things:

  • An actual exam with tons of questions. 
  • Laboring through a boring paper.
  • Crafting and then giving a presentation. 

Science as a subject may already be boring for you. But being forced to sit and regurgitate all of that information you’ve been struggling through? Borderline torturous!

9. You’re Tired Of Hearing About It

Maybe science is boring to you because you literally just do not care. Odds are, someone you know does care. Perhaps they talk about it frequently.

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When this happens, you might be thinking about how boring it is to have to hear about it. Science is typically not something that can be explained concisely, most of the time.

10. Formulas

Some people would rather eat glass than study a formula. They’re vital for scientific experimentation, but that doesn’t make them fun.

Often, people think scientific formulas are particularly boring because they don’t seem relevant. When you think about science, you probably aren’t immediately thinking of a formula. 

Really, unless you go on to become a practicing scientist, you won’t use the information again. Most people know that going in, and they go into learning with the expectation of boredom. 

11. The Type Does Not Interest You

Not all types of science are the same. There are boring ones. However, depending on what you like, you can probably find some type of science you like. 

Baking requires science. Cooking does, too. Basically everything we do has some kind of science behind it.

 If you have something you know is interesting to you, try to think of what that science could be!

To learn more, you can also read our posts on why chemistry is so boring, why social studies is so boring, and why studying is so boring.

Final Thoughts

Science is usually boring because people think it will be. They don’t think they’ll like sitting through long lectures, so they go in feeling bored.

If you’re able, try exploring different types of science. The world of science is incredibly vast, so there really is bound to be something for everybody. 


  • Jean Richardson

    Jean Richardson is a lover of knowledge, in all forms. He has spent over 15 years as a high school teacher, instructing students in history, geography, mathematics, and more.

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