Why Is My Guitar Amp Buzzing? (9 Reasons Why)

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Freya Crawford

Freya Crawford is a self-confessed geek. She loves gaming, watching classic movies, and her guilty pleasure is trashy reality TV. She also enjoys collecting old NES and Gameboy games.

Have you ever been rocking out on stage when all of a sudden your amplifier begins to buzz? It’s quite an annoying experience, especially if you set up your gear right. You may wonder, why is my guitar amp buzzing?

Why Is My Guitar Amp Buzzing?

1. Amp Defects

There’s a good chance your amplifier is the source of the bothersome noises.

Several possible issues could arise in your amp. For instance, this buzzing noise could be coming from a loose wire on the circuit board of your amplifier.

Furthermore, a problem with the power supply is possible. If you connect many electrical devices to a single power supply, there may be signal interference. Therefore, it’ll result in the buzzing audio. If you connect many electrical devices to a single power supply.

Many devices can affect the amplifier, such as fans, computers, and television monitors.

2. Power Cord

In order to transport power from your wall socket to your amplifiers, you need a good power cord. If a power cord is poor, it may cause issues.

Faulty power cords may not directly affect your audio signal, but they can trigger amps to buzz because there’s insufficient power input. This can be the result of a defective connector or power cable.

If the amp makes a noticeable buzz even when you don’t have a guitar plugged in, the power cord is probably the cause of the issue. Simply change to another cord and listen for noises to see if the power cord is the culprit.

3. Audio Jacks

The audio jack on the guitar or the amplifier may be the issue. The jack frequently has a loose connection, which can impair the audio.

Additionally, dust buildup inside the jack may be the reason for the problem. As a result, if you hear a buzz, clean your audio jack.

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Apply a few drops of rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip and insert it into the amp jacks. Rotate it to clean the jacks quickly and effectively. Before re-plugging your guitar, give it an hour to dry.

Alternatively, you can use compressed air. Some compressed air canisters have tubes that can blow compressed air via the jack’s opening.

If dust accumulation isn’t the issue, you might wish to have a specialist check the audio jacks.

4. Pickups

The amplifier usually isn’t the main culprit; rather, it’s the pickups on your instrument. The guitar pickup serves to transform guitar string vibrations into electrical impulses. Pickups use coils, and there are two main types of them: single-coil and double-coil humbuckers.

Almost all single-coil pickups produce a hum or buzz noise of some sort. This is because there is constant electrical disruption all around the pick-ups. When they detect these signals, you will be able to hear the unpleasant flutter sounds.

A humbucker, as opposed to a single coil pickup, reduces a lot of this noise.

So, if you play a single-coil guitar like a Telecaster or Stratocaster, the buzz is probably coming from the pickup.

5. Feedback


In the construction of amps, manufacturers use transformers and other electromagnetically sensitive parts. As a result, your amp may buzz and hum if you approach the amplifier too closely.

This is a phenomenon known as feedback, in which an amplified signal is fed back into the instrument. Hence, it produces an ongoing loop of amplified audio. Your amp will, however, enhance both the guitar and any additional noise that the instrument’s circuitry may produce.

Therefore, make sure there is a suitable distance between the guitar and amp to prevent feedback.

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6. Weak Shielding

The guitar shield is one of your instrument’s essential parts. Many people initially assume that it serves nothing more than the simple function of covering all of the pickups, wires, and knobs in a grounded foil.

There’s one more crucial use for it, though. Shielding guards protect against electromagnetic interference in your guitar’s output that could harm its electrical parts.

The manufacturers typically employ conductive materials for this purpose. Copper shielding foil is the best protective substance, as well as conductive paint.

If the shielding is made of poor materials, noise production is almost certain. The way to know that the shielding is the issue is by observing when the noise gets worse. The shielding may be the cause if the buzzing gets bad when you pluck your guitar’s strings.

Additionally, if you touch any other metallic objects that come into contact with the circuits, you may notice the noise.

7. Guitar Grounding

The strings of an electric guitar should typically be grounded. Every piece of metal on your guitar connects by a ground connection, which also serves as a return channel to the amplifier.

A portion of the electrical outlet current will be directed toward the guitar if you are playing it while hooked into ungrounding gear. Consequently, you could notice the unpleasant buzz noise in the signal from your instrument.

How to identify a grounding problem is easy and noticeable. The buzzing will get louder when you stop touching your strings or any metallic materials.

8. Cables

Inherent capacitance in guitar wires allows them to store electrical charges. They attach between the ground and the output of the pickups. If the cable is of low quality or has a defect, it may produce an irritating buzzing sound.

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For example, a stripped wire or a bent cable will exacerbate static, which will enhance the noise.

By using a different cable with your guitar, you can determine if your connection is the source of the noise issues.

If the issue still occurs, try a different guitar to see whether the problem is with the instrument or the cable.

9. Pedals

If you enjoy experimenting with a wide range of guitar effects, your pedal board may be quite extensive. Since the pedals’ audio signal processing modifies the sound, it’s more likely that the problem lies with the guitar pedals.

The pedals are to blame if you hear the noise even with the volume knob completely turned off on your instrument.

There are many potential explanations for this. It can be a poor jack connection, a failed switch connection, a faulty solder joint, or a defective item in the circuit board.

Additionally, it can be the result of distortion pedals with the gain turned on at a much higher limit than usual. So, inspect your pedal board in case it’s the issue.

Wrap Up

Guitar amps can start buzzing for many reasons. Some of the reasons include guitar grounding, feedback, and faulty pedals.

Therefore, it’s advisable to check your equipment before a concert to make sure there aren’t any malfunctioning components that could result in hums and buzzes. That way, everything will run smoothly and you’ll provide a performance of a lifetime.


  • Freya Crawford

    Freya Crawford is a self-confessed geek. She loves gaming, watching classic movies, and her guilty pleasure is trashy reality TV. She also enjoys collecting old NES and Gameboy games.

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