Why Do I Suck At Guitar? (11 Reasons Why)

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Freya Crawford

Freya Crawford is a self-confessed geek. She loves gaming, watching classic movies, and her guilty pleasure is trashy reality TV. She also enjoys collecting old NES and Gameboy games.

Do you wish you could play guitar but can’t seem to get the hang of it? Do you feel like you’ve been stuck in a rut, not making progress despite your hard work?

If so, then you’re not alone; in fact, many people feel the same way. To help you find out why you might be struggling, we’ve compiled a list of 11 common reasons why people suck at guitar.

Why Do I Suck At Guitar?

1. You’re Not Practicing

This is the most common reason why people don’t improve at guitar. If you’re not practicing regularly, it will be very difficult to make any progress. Even if you’re only practicing for a few minutes each day, it’s important to be consistent with your practice.

The most successful guitarists make it look easy, but that’s because they put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve their skill level.

So if you want to improve, you need to be willing to put in the time and effort required to practice regularly. Just be sure to create an action plan to help keep you on track.

When you have a plan that has a clear goal in sight, you’re much more likely to stick with it and see results.

Moreover, don’t get discouraged if it takes a while to get into your own groove. Playing guitar is a journey, not a destination.

2. No Plan

When practicing guitar, it’s crucial to have a plan, as this helps ensure that you’re making the most of your practice sessions and allows you to track your progress over time.

Without a plan, it’s easy to get lost in the details and miss out on essential aspects of your development.

To create a practice plan, start by identifying your goals. What do you want to achieve with your guitar playing? Once you have a goal in mind, break it down into smaller steps you can work on during your practice sessions.

For instance, if your goal is to learn how to play a particular song, break it down into smaller parts, such as understanding the chords, memorizing the lyrics, and practicing the strumming pattern.

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Then, create a practice schedule that includes daily and weekly goals. And be sure to track your progress to see how far you’ve come.

3. Lack Of Education

Many people start playing guitar without having any idea what they’re doing. They might watch a few YouTube videos or read a few guitar magazines, but they don’t have a solid foundation to work from.

As a result, they often develop bad habits that can be difficult to break later on.

If you want to succeed at guitar, it’s essential to take the time to learn the basics. This means learning proper hand positioning, how to hold the pick, and basic chords and strumming patterns.

Once you have a solid foundation, you can start exploring more advanced concepts. But without that foundation, you’ll likely just end up frustrated and confused.

4. Subpar Equipment

To play guitar well, you need good quality equipment. This includes a comfortable guitar that’s properly tuned, a good guitar strap, and quality strings.

If you’re using cheap equipment, it will be challenging to play your best, and it can even make the whole process more frustrating than it needs to be.

So if you’re serious about playing guitar, invest in quality gear. It might cost a bit more upfront but will pay off in the long run.

5. No Warm-Up

Like any other physical activity, playing guitar requires a warm-up before starting, and this helps prevent injuries and allows you to play your best.

A simple warm-up routine might include light stretching, finger exercises, and some easy songs to get you started.

Don’t try to jump into playing something difficult right away. Take the time to warm up first; you’ll be surprised at how much better you’ll play.

6. You Don’t Listen To Music

You Don’t Listen To Music

One of the best ways to improve your guitar playing is to listen to music, and this helps you understand how songs are constructed and gives you a feel for different rhythms and melodies.

As you listen to music, pay attention to how the guitars are played. Try to identify different techniques that you hear and then practice incorporating them into your own playing.

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You can also find a lot of great guitar players to listen to online. There are countless videos of live performances and instructional lessons available on sites like YouTube.

So take some time exploring and finding new guitar players to listen to. You might be surprised at how much it can help your playing.

7. You Can’t Read Music

Not being able to read music is a common problem for guitarists. And it can be a major obstacle in your development as a player.

If you want to be able to play guitar well, you need to be able to read music. This doesn’t mean that you need to be a proficient sight-reader, but you at least need to know the basics.

Being able to read music will open up a whole new world of possibilities for your playing, and it will allow you to learn songs more quickly and allow you to improvise and create your own melodies.

So if you’re serious about becoming a better guitar player, take the time to learn how to read music, which will pay off in the long run.

8. No Passion

Playing guitar is a lot of work. And if you’re not passionate about it, it won’t be easy to stick with it.

You need to be able to find enjoyment in the process if you want to be successful. Otherwise, you’ll just get burnt out and quit.

So ask yourself why you’re playing guitar in the first place. What do you hope to achieve? What do you enjoy about it?

Find your motivation and keep it in mind whenever you practice. It will help you stay focused and maintain your passion for the instrument.

9. Too Much Too Soon

When you first start playing guitar, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by everything you need to learn. There are so many techniques and concepts to master.

And it’s tempting to try to learn everything at once. But this is a mistake.

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You’re much better off focusing on one thing at a time. Mastering one concept before moving on to the next will help you learn more quickly and avoid getting overwhelmed.

So take your time and focus on one thing at a time. You’ll be surprised at how much faster you progress.

10. Playing Alone

Playing guitar is a lot more fun when you play with other musicians. It’s a great way to learn new techniques and explore different styles of music.

And it can also help you to improve your timing and rhythm. When you play with others, you need to stay on time with the music. This can be a challenge initially, but it gets easier with practice.

So find some friends or fellow students who also play guitar and set up some jam sessions. You’ll be surprised at how much your playing improves.

11. Your Guitar Isn’t Properly Tuned

This might seem small, but it’s pretty essential. If your guitar isn’t properly tuned, it will sound bad no matter how well you play.

So take the time to learn how to tune your guitar correctly. It might take a little practice, but it’s worth it. Your playing will sound much better when your guitar is in tune.

To learn more, you can also read our posts on why your guitar sounds bad, why guitar strings break, and why your fingers hurt when you play guitar.


These are just a few of the reasons why you might be struggling with your guitar playing. If you can identify the problem, finding a solution will be much easier.

So take a look at your playing and see if you can identify the root of the problem. Then, work to fix it and watch your playing skill improve!


  • Freya Crawford

    Freya Crawford is a self-confessed geek. She loves gaming, watching classic movies, and her guilty pleasure is trashy reality TV. She also enjoys collecting old NES and Gameboy games.

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