Why Spray WD40 Up Your Faucet (5 Reasons Why)

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Fletcher Crawford

Fletcher Crawford is a 20-year veteran of the electrical engineering field. He has worked on everything from Linux systems to Apple products, and is passionate about technology.

WD-40 is one of the most trusted products that can be used safely in your home, with many handymen swearing by its lubricating ability, among other claims.

While you may be familiar with the many alleged powers of WD-40, you may be scratching your head at the notion of spraying it up inside your faucet. You may be wondering what it does!

Why Spray WD40 Up Your Faucet?

1. Remove Mineral Deposits

Depending on the hardness of your water, deposits of minerals such as calcium salts- also known as limescale- may build up in your faucet.

To erase these unwanted mineral deposits, spray some WD-40 up your faucet! The chemical composition of WD-40 makes it perfect for breaking these minerals down.

Calcium salts can also build up in your showerhead, and WD-40 is just as handy there. Make sure to let the water run before stepping in the shower afterward- you don’t want to get covered in WD-40!

2. Remove Stuck Objects

WD-40 is, among all things, a lubricant- meaning it makes things easier to move, like grease. If something gets stuck in your sink, applying WD-40 can get it right out!

This method works for everything from silverware, to cups, to a curious child’s fingers. With some WD-40 applied to the surface and a bit of effort, anything could come free!

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WD-40 might have an unpleasant feel and smell when in contact with flesh, but you can rest assured it is safe to apply to a child’s- or your own!- skin.

When the poor victim’s finger is free, you should be certain they wash their hands to not further cover themselves or any extra surfaces with WD-40.

If you’re going to eat food immediately after applying WD-40 to your hands, your meal will likely taste terrible.

3. Remove Rust And Corrosion

Remove Rust And Corrosion

While WD-40 is primarily known for its lubricating properties, its original purpose was as an anti-corrosive for airplanes and spaceships.

As WD-40 became used more often by the everyman, its primary purpose shifted, but WD-40 still excels at removing rust!

Rust builds up over time on most metals, but this process can speed by contact with water- and your faucet has constant contact with water.

The best way to prevent this rust in the first place is to use a stainless steel sink, but sometimes even stainless steel will rust. In these cases, applying WD-40 can knock that rust right out of your faucet!

4. Remove Stains

By now, you’ve seen much of WD-40’s strength in removing unwanted markings from metal- and that extends to stains!

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While WD-40 is no replacement for a quality stain-removal product, it can be just as handy when you’re in a pinch. WD-40 may be a multi-purpose product, but sometimes you need the right tool for the right job.

Simply apply a generous amount of WD-40 to the stained area, let it sit for a while, and then scrub off with soap.

This works on any metal with stains, and is a good reason to spray WD-40 inside your faucet! If you’re concerned that a stain in your faucet could be affecting your water quality, WD-40 may be a great choice to ease your worries.

5. Unscrew Your Faucet’s Parts

If you find that your faucet is leakier than you would like, or leaky at all, a healthy dose of WD-40 can be used to help fix this issue.

If you spray WD-40 into and around your faucet, the multi-purpose liquid will loosen any tough nuts and bolts you may have in your sink.

With WD-40’s main usage as a lubricant, it can loosen up nuts and bolts without any issue. This includes those pesky bolts that might not be visible to the naked eye, as long as you can ensure the WD-40 hits them.

When any screws in your sink have been loosened, you’ll be able to take it apart for maintenance- or you can have a trusted plumber do it for you.

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While many people like to personally handle the DIY projects around their house, more heavy-duty equipment such as your sink or shower may best be left to plumbers.

Unfortunately, all your effort in loosening a sink’s screws will be useless if you break it while trying to fix it!

In Conclusion

As you may be able to tell, spraying WD-40 up into your faucet can help fix a litany of issues that might be plaguing your sink, from unwanted minerals and rust to stuck objects.

If you weren’t convinced of the many powers of WD-40, hopefully, you are by now. Next time you have an issue with your sink, consider using WD-40 but remember- like all chemicals, you must use it responsibly!


  • Fletcher Crawford

    Fletcher Crawford is a 15-year veteran of the electrical engineering field. He has worked on everything from Linux systems to Apple products, and is passionate about technology.

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