Can You Recycle Bamboo Products? (Don’t Make These Mistakes)

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Jean Richardson

Jean Richardson is a lover of knowledge, in all forms. He has spent over 15 years as a high school teacher, instructing students in history, geography, mathematics, and more.

Bamboo is widely used to create different household products as a more environment-friendly material, so we assume it can be recycled. From toilet paper to cookware and flooring, bamboo shows to be a better alternative material compared to more common materials. 

Furthermore, Bamboo is more resistant to rot, is naturally UV resistant, and the material is so versatile that you can even create clothing from it. However, is it recyclable? Continue reading to find out this answer and more!

Can You Recycle Bamboo Products?

Fortunately, you can recycle bamboo products. This is because Bamboo is a natural eco-friendly material, completely biodegradable and 100% compostable. Furthermore, Bamboo has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties; it is also naturally resistant to pests, and the material helps to replace eroded soil.

Here we will discuss how you can properly recycle bamboo products, the different uses for it and what everyone is curious about; the downfall and the danger in it. Keep reading to find out more!

How To Recycle Bamboo Products

As we know, there is a proper way to recycle everything and anything that you recycle should be properly organized, so you are reducing any risk of contaminating a batch of recyclables. 

However, Bamboo is easily compostable, so that is where they would initially go. 

If you don’t have a bin for compostable materials though, and depending on the product you’re trying to recycle, you may be able to break down the item and throw them out into your yard.

Fortunately, you can do this because, as this article will mention, bamboo is 100% natural, meaning that it comes from nature, so it can easily be put back into nature to decompose.

Is Bamboo Biodegradable?

For a product to be biodegradable, it has to have the natural ability to be able to properly decompose through the actions of microorganisms like bacteria in an environment. 

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This should be able to happen with or without oxygen present. 

Additionally, with the rate that bamboo grows, it is a great renewable resource which means that it is the perfect eco-friendly alternative to paper products. 

Therefore, Bamboo is biodegradable and is 100% compostable

The material can become compostable within two to six months as it would just depend on the composting conditions of the product. 

Here’s a fun fact for you, most companies that identify as eco-friendly companies often offer bamboo as one of the main materials that their products are made from or with. 

Therefore, this is possible because bamboo is completely natural, it grows at rapid rates, and since it comes from nature, it can return to it as well. 

The sustainability of bamboo compared to that of other products such as paper, metals, or plastics is significantly different because those other materials are not organic or 100% natural.

Furthermore, they all cannot be composted, and they are not biodegradable. 

Additionally, Bamboo absorbs significant amounts of carbon dioxide and can produce more oxygen when compared to other plants. 

Is There A Downfall to Using Bamboo Products?

Is There A Downfall to Using Bamboo Products?

Overall, bamboo products are a primary alternative option to other products such as plastic or paper. 

However, everything does have a downfall one way or the other, but any downfalls related to using bamboo products are dependent on the situation. 

This will span out of your household and more into larger manufacturing companies or other large-scale organizations that mass produce products. 

Furthermore, large amounts of bamboo cultivation can introduce environmental issues and contribute to them.

Additionally, turning the fibers from bamboo into different fabrics is very chemically dependent, and some bamboo fabrics are also known to be harmful to the health of humans. 

Therefore, Bamboo fabric contains sodium hydroxide, which can harm marine, land animals, and human life if it’s introduced into a water supply. 

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Sodium hydroxide is a dangerous substance to any living being. You can especially be affected if it has an introduction to your skin or if ingested.

As Ingesting can cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, and even chest pain.

Additionally, a high or prolonged amount of exposure to the substance can also be deadly. 

With this being said, it is important to research the materials that the products you use every day are made from.

Here Are Some Bamboo Products To Stay Away From

You should probably know that there are a few types of bamboo products that you should avoid.

These are Melamine bamboo products, to be specific as they release formaldehyde and melamine which are harmful to humans. 

However, the important thing to note is that bamboo products that are 100% natural and have not been treated do not contain these harmful elements. 

The general rule of thumb here is to simply pay close attention to the packaging that your products come in. 

If the products are not 100% bamboo or you know that they have been treated or processed somehow, then you should stay away from those particular products.

This is because they more than likely will contain a harmful or toxic substance.

What Happens When Bamboo Products Aren’t Recycled?

Simply putting it; when we’re not reusing materials that we want to throw away, we are destroying natural habitats and resources. 

Furthermore, the best way to think about this is that by not recycling, we are essentially contributing to potential deforestation. 

However, in terms of bamboo, it grows so rapidly and in such an abundance that we can safely say that bamboo provides more of a safe and efficient alternative to other household items.

However, bamboo is still another material provided to us by those natural resources, therefore,  that raw source could still be in jeopardy if we’re not properly reusing its materials.

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Pros Of Using Bamboo Products In The Long Run

Not only is bamboo the fastest growing plant on earth, but it is also naturally hygienic because the fibers of the material do not need any toxic chemical treatments to make it antibacterial. 

Therefore, the reason that you do not have to treat bamboo products in the way that you would other things is because of a term called bamboo Kun. 

Bamboo Kun is what gives bamboo its natural antibacterial properties because it is an anti-microbial bioagent. 

You now know that bamboo is 100% natural, compostable, recyclable, and biodegradable, making it the perfect eco-friendly alternative. 

Additionally, Bamboo is extremely versatile and can be used to make many different types of materials such as toilet paper, toothbrushes, stationary homes, and home goods. 

To learn more, you can also read our posts on whether you can recycle Chinese takeout containers, whether you can recycle cellophane, and whether you can recycle blister packs and pill boxes.


So, you now know that bamboo is 100% natural, compostable, recyclable, and biodegradable, making it the perfect eco-friendly alternative. Therefore, by utilizing bamboo products and properly recycling or composting them, we are contributing to and supporting our planet. 

Think of it this way, bamboo equals nature because it comes from nature, so therefore it can return to nature. It is as simplistic as it sounds, so why not click here to learn how you can get started properly recycling your bamboo products!


  • Jean Richardson

    Jean Richardson is a lover of knowledge, in all forms. He has spent over 15 years as a high school teacher, instructing students in history, geography, mathematics, and more.

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